Digital ecosystems as a model of innovative development of enterprises

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In the era of business digitalization and business processes, enterprises face the question of their further transformation and development ways. The success of such enterprises depends a lot on their investment activities, the correct reinvestment of their own profit, the ways and its distribution channels. An important factor is the business model chosen by the company's management when entering the online market. It can be a shared consumption model, a freemium model or an ecosystem – the key role will be played by the reduction of transaction costs and optimized management. Digital ecosystems are a collection of disparate products and services under a single brand. These may include goods and services from various industries, such as finance and transportation, travel and commerce, the entertainment industry, and food delivery services. To compensate for the lack of production capacity, platforms are actively investing in the algorithm development to analyze data about customer preferences and desires. Combined with network effects, this enables exponential growth, which level in recent years has caused serious risks to the existence of classic businesses and enterprises.
Sedikova I. O. Digital ecosystems as a model of innovative development of enterprises / I. O. Sedikova, D. V. Sedikov // Економічні та соціальні аспекти розвитку України на початку XXI століття [в скороченні]: матеріали XІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., Одеса, 17-18 жовт. 2023 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. – Одеса, 2023. – С. 485-487. – Бібліогр.: 5 назв.
Ключові слова
business digitalization, business processes, Digital ecosystems, digital disruptor
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